Northtour - Norway (6)

Route day 12

Now awake and with a lot of energy I expected rising temperatures. And the weather was fine too. Sunshine and a bit cloudy. Along the Melsvikfjord the steet led trough the Melsviktunnelen as you can see here. Not all tunnels in Norway are as exemplary signed and lighted as this one. In opposite the tunnel to the North Cape came across as a somber hole. I met people who made the way to the Cape with their bikes. Respect!

In the afternooen I was a stept ahed to the south. At Storsandnes in the Sandnesbukta the view changed slowly. The flattend mountain peaks were replaced by steeper slopes. The climate was became more comfortable. At the end of this video there are added two panoramic views.

E6 behind Alteidet

E6 behind Alteidet











This nice panorama I found when I left the next mountains behind me after Alteidet. A small way further I could get another nice panorama.

E6 looking direction northThan again it went up high to the mountains again. I got several panoramic pictures. Here you'll find the best of them.


E6 behind Sekkemo






The view was so wonderfull, I have to show you that in a video.

The tour followed the road along the Storfjord direction Olderdalen. To the already seen now a further well worth seeing road. With still nice weather and springtime temperatures there came new sightes. This was comparable to the FV98.

Evening photo Skibotn

I was too late again; the ferry from Olderdalen to Lyngseidet has been departed already. I decided to drive on a few km. That was not a changing of my roure but a detour.

This way I came to Skibotn and in a jiffy I saw the Camping site with the small houses. It was late enough to end the day.

The data to day 12 (2018, May 21th):

Km-Stand (mileage): 52.180km, 401km (249 miles) driven
Refuel: 286km, 14.30L, 236NOK = 24.82€
Overnight stay: Skibotn, Hytta, 500NOK = 52.59€
Eating, drinking: 201.90NOK = 19.47€Link to northtour - Norway (7)